The City of Spearfish Public Works Department will be completing work on the East Colorado Boulevard Roadway Improvements Project #2304 beginning April 1, 2025. The project will extend from 700 feet west of Aurora Avenue east through the intersection with Colorado Loop and includes widening for turn and bike lanes, storm sewer, curb and gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and permanent signing.
The expected completion date is October 17, 2025. The City’s engineering consultant is HDR Engineering of Rapid City and the contractor is Dakota Redi-Mix, Inc. of Black Hawk, SD.
To minimize the disruption to through-traffic, the Keating Resources SportsPlex, and the adjacent neighborhood, the work will be completed in phases. Roads will be temporarily closed, but access to the SportsPlex, businesses and homes will be provided at all times with detours as needed.
A public informational meeting will be held on March 24, 2025 at 5:30 pm in the City Council Chambers, 625 N. 5th Street. All are welcome to attend.
Please watch for construction workers and equipment in the vicinity, adjacent to the roadway, and entering and leaving this work zone. Motorists are asked to slow down and use extra caution through the area.
For more information, please call the Public Works Department at (605) 642-1333.