Our April “Artists of the Month” are local quilters that have their quilts on display at the Sturgis Public Library all month long. Stop in and vote for your favorite!
Thursday, April 3
Armchair Travelers Book Club will be discussing books by Anne Tyler and Joyce Carol Oates
Sturgis Public Library’s Lushbough Room, 12:00 noon
Thursday, April 10
Sturgis Area Arts Council Meeting – one and all are welcome to join us.
Sturgis Public Library’s Lushbough Room, 2:30 pm
Sunday, April 13 & Tuesday, April 15
Easter Cantata ~ Grace Lutheran Church, located at 1061 Sherman St
No admission charge – donations happily accepted to help defray costs, 7:00 pm each evening
Friday, April 18
History at High Noon
Program is the History of the Sturgis Hospital and Auxiliary
Sturgis Public Library’s Community Room, 12:00 noon